Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Fertility Treatment Success at MoM Spa

I opened Mom Spa one year ago in honor and memory of my mom, Pati Crosby Croffead. As an Owner and certified massage therapist, our niche is that we are Charleston's only day sap for women only but also that we specialize in Fertility to Post-Natal needs. After being certified and gaining experience with pre-natal clients, I was hearing a lot of feedback about how hard it was for so many women to conceive, especially naturally. Out of the desire to find the source of these blockages, I trained with Claire Miller on Fertility Massage. Within our one year of opening, I have already had 9 successful conceptions, without medical intervention. The numbers are higher of course if a woman has undergone an IUI or IUD.

Fertility massage, which is a natural alternative to medical fertility treatments, aims to open, cleanse and balance the body in preparation for a successful conception. This kind of massage can be done on any woman, in between menstruation and ovulation, as long as she knows she is not pregnant. I've also had great success with helping clients who were not ovulating and/or menstruating.

We are bringing the mind and body back into balance so anything that could be blocking conception is removed and ovulation, menstruation and pregnancy are achieved naturally. The technique actually differs greatly from traditional massage. The therapist needs to be a certified massage therapist and must have additional extensive training. Clients are instructed to breathe deeply from the ‘hara’ or lower abdomen and to visualize the image of their child in the womb. It often is an emotional experience for both the therapist and client to see the mind begin to let go and to accept the opening of their body. I believe our work often gives a woman the power over her body again via guided support, permission to let go and to know that many women who were told they would never conceive have done so after working with this treatment and possibly a combination of acupuncture, hypnotherapy, chiropractic and other alternative forms of therapy.

Deep specific techniques are also used within each session:

· Castor oil hot packs to begin the cleansing process
· Jaw release to loosen the hip and pelvic region
· Cranial-sacral energy work for balancing support
· Reflexology or stimulation of the endocrine glands, digestive and reproductive points in both the hands and feet
· Abdominal massage to assist with the digestive process
· Pelvic friction, done over the sheet, to increase the blood flow to the spine and pelvic region
· Relaxation techniques: visualization, meditation, prayer, intention

In addition to Fertility Massage, I also recommend a healthy diet made up of whole grains, organic vegetables, fruits and meats. Even Newsweek Magazine recently brought to light how food can directly affect fertility in a cover story this past fall. Boosting the immune system with antioxidant rich foods as well as keeping the body well hydrated are just as important. We also now know the correlation with trans fats and infertility. As little as an extra 2 grams of trans fats can affect the body. We have choices to make in what we put in our bodies and educating our clients is just as important as nurturing them at MoM Spa.

Partner suggestions are also provided at the end of each session. This is a customized chart that maps out ways in which a woman, her partner and together how they may increase their odds for a successful conception.

I spend an hour in session with each client but for first time clients, we often spend 2 hours together reviewing the entire treatment prior to entering the therapy room and reviewing the chart for make sure all is clear. I even give my personal cell phone to these clients as again, it tends to be an emotional experience and if they need someone to talk to about whatever the issue may be, I will always be there for them.

For more information on the MoM Spa, please visit us: or call (843) 849-4955.

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